Switzerland Travel Photographer - A Trip To Mount Pilatus
I am standing on the edge of the viewing platform, the clouds of grey engulfing the vista before me, then rolling away again, only to dance back around me like smoke consuming and notifying us of its presence and ownership over the mountains. To my right, crows perch and drop away into the sky below us, catching the thermals and gliding effortlessly away and then back again to the tourists laying out biscuit crumbs and other non-advised bird feed on the ledge in front of us. To my left, Hotel Pilatus, a pillar of concrete and grey metal sheeting so obtuse and yet so at home amongst the slate coloured jagged precipice. A symphony of tourists pour out into the viewing platform and crawl up the mountain steps and over the peak, into the Dragon Path (a tunnel of windows carved out of the mountain side) and across the viewing platform, a colony of explorers. This perpetual movement, the motion of the clouds, the birds, the people, is the magic of the Swiss landscape. Still, strong, rooted and motionless, the lakes and mountains and forests are a thing of exquisite beauty, yet they are enhanced by the constant change around them. The constant shift of light and cloud cover transforming the panorama within a split second, the seasonal hues changing and altering slowly over time.
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